Pyra Danny Experiences



A do-it-yourself, simple and quick project to add a modern flair to any room.

If you’re like me, when music leapt from CDs to MP3 players, I hugged my piles of CDs burnt from friends, samples purchased for $1.00 and old AOL samples.

I imagined all these CDs choking some poor egret at a landfill. No… I would reuse them somehow.

This gorgeous mobile instantly adds a modern glam to any room. Simple to make and yet the perfect room add-on that’s customizable and gently spins when the fan is on. I went for a modern jungle look here. Lots of black with accent colors.


25-30 CDs
Black spray paint
30-35 feet of dark, thin string (like sewing thread)
4 wall hooks (shaped like a screw on one end and hooked on the other)
Something to dangle at the bottom (optional)

1.       Stand on something (or someone… just not your grandma) and twist those hooks into the ceiling. You just righty-tighty them in. Place the three into a triangular shape about 1 foot apart with the fourth hook in the center of the triangle.

2.       Place the CDs shiny-part-down on top of the newspapers.

3.       Using the spray paint, cover that exposed part of the CD with black paint. You don’t have to cover it 100%. (If it was a silver cover, I let parts of it peek through)

4.       Let it dry and go watch Battle Royale while you wait.

5.       Or… cut the string into one foot pieces.

6.       When the CDs are dry, take one and loop a string through the CD’s hole and knot it back up.

Tie your string through and around the CDs to chain them together

7.       Tie the other end of the string to another CD. Put a distance of about five inches of string in between.

8.       Sa-weet! You now have two CDs in a chain of 9. This will be the longest one. Keep tying the rest of the CDs together. Cut off any extra strings from the knots.

9.       On the last CD, knot another string, but instead of chaining it to another CD, you’re going to tie this end onto the middle hook from your ceiling. Voila! You have 1/4 of your mobile finished.

10.   Repeat this step with the other three except put a different number of CDs on each chain.

11.   You can either finish here… or as I have done, I have tied Chinese lanterns to the very bottom of three chains that make up the triangle. (I knew those 25 cent garage sale investments would come in handy)

12.   Relax and let some light bounce off your new CD mobile.

