Pyra Danny Experiences



Yup… that summed up my weekend.

My first Singles for Christ conference. In gorgeous downtown Miami? Beam me up!

Through four sessions we were challenged to ENGAGE. I must admit, the highlighted speaker (Mr. Neal Lozano) had very interesting points, but was very dull as a speaker. I’m not asking to ROFL for an entire hour, but good speakers are engaging WHILE teaching. Yes—it’s my dream to give a conference talk.

CFC-Youth crazies may think… 350-ish participants at a conference? POOF! Small beans! Not at all… it was as if the cream of the former YFC were all there… the ones who WANTED to be there… the ones who still cared.

Too many things happened this weekend—all awesome, fun, and thought-provoking. I won’t spoil it for you non-SFC-ers… but here’s a sip:
(+) I’m extremely jealous of full-timers
(+) 80’s themed dance party Saturday night
(+) My awesome costume was overshadowed by my sisters dressed as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
(+) Got no more than 5 hours of sleep
(+) Hotel room overlooked the cruises in the bay from 14 floors up
(+) Realized “SFC-men” are the sexiest guys of all
(+) After-conference party on a small tikki-themed boat
(+) …And took that boat to party all over the bay

I refuse to be someone who will now run on a conference God-high and crash as soon as they encounter their first Kahlua concoction. You’ve heard my story… even up until the SFC Conference I was still depressed while that lonely, empty void remained. God didn’t seem to fill it before… but suddenly He seemed to fill it during the conf. Have I been 100% cured? No… but I’m sure that’s God giving me the all the ingredients… it’s up to me to make the stew.

Click on my pictures to check out the conference. Sorry it doesn’t represent the conference well because of all the posed smiles and focus on my close-SFC friends.

